quarta-feira, julho 21, 2010

La Frontera + entrevista + notas (semana Lhasa vol.VII)

Lhasa de Sela, em entrevista com Carlos Vaz Marques, no programa Pessoal e Transmissível, da TSF, em 2005.

Página oficial, no qual se pode ler um comunicado de 07/Junho/2009, adiando indefinidamente os concertos planeados devido a problemas de saúde, e depois um de 03/Janeiro/2010, anunciando o seu falecimento:
«Lhasa leaves behind her partner Ryan, her parents Alejandro and Alexandra, her step-mother Marybeth, her 9 brothers and sisters (Gabriela, Samantha, Ayin, Sky, Miriam, Alex, Ben, Mischa and Eden), her 16 nieces and nephews, her cat Isaan, and countless friends, musicians, and colleagues who have accompanied her throughout her career, not to mention her innumerable admirers throughout the world.
Her family and close friends were able to mourn peacefully during the last two days, and greatly appreciated this meaningful period of quiet intimacy. Funeral and services will be held privately.
It has snowed more than 40 hours in Montreal since Lhasa's departure.»

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